Thomas Rosen

Simple Desktops


A few years ago, I discovered this website with flat wallpapers. This was probably at the beginning of the flat design trend.

With my interest in creative stuff and some free hours in school, I drew two wallpapers myself to share them on the website.

You can download the Dandelion and Diamond Heart wallpapers on or click on the images at the end of the article.

I enjoyed creating pictures just for the joy if it. Nobody forced me to do it and I didn’t have a real benefit from it. I have no idea how many ppl downloaded the images. It was a small website, so nobody really saw it.
But I am proud of them.

About that time, I read about decluttering the desktop to have a more focused workspace. (This probably holds true for the computer and my desk.)
Keeping my desk tidy is still hard. But over the years I changed my digital desktop to only be a black square. Black wallpaper, automatically hidden menu bar, less menu bar items and hidden desktop icons.

So pure focus … I guess …

The Wallpapers

Diamond Heart from 2014-05-27


Dandelion from 2014-07-23


Screenshot of the Simple Desktops website

Simple Desktops

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